KT Insights

Unveiling The New Knee Flexion 0/90 Protocol

Written by Team KangaTech | Jul 18, 2024 7:03:06 PM

At KangaTech, we are dedicated to collaborating closely with our user community to tackle their challenges head-on, ensuring we develop effective testing and training solutions together.

Furthermore, we are excited to release our latest protocol in collaboration with Marylebone Health Group, the Knee Flexion 0/90.

This innovative assessment focuses specifically on inner-range Knee Flexion, aiming to evaluate muscle visco-elastic tension and pelvic stability. When combined with the relative force produced with the hamstring prone 0-30, supine 90/90 and supine 90/45, these tests may indicate inefficiency with the force-length curve through range

The practitioner would use this protocol to evaluate the efficiency of the tendon / non-contractile tissue to transfer energy (force) to the pelvis. Inefficiency( low force produced) may indicate that the focus of training needs to divert to the tendon more so that the muscle, when combined specifically with the supine 90/45, there is a much more definitive focus on the tendon efficiency over the muscle.  

The hamstrings are biarticular muscles; when placed in prone 0/90, both levers of the articulation are in the inner range. This means the muscle is at a physiological disadvantage (too much overlap of actin and myosin), where the muscle is on the ascending limb of the length-tension curve. When a contraction is performed in this position, there is a lot of reduced tension across the whole musculotendinous unit. Therefore, for efficient energy transfer to produce force, the tendon and non-contractile tissue need a level of appropriate tension. Reduced force output here may indicate a reduction in passive stiffness of the musculotendinous unit. 

If you would like to delve deeper into our suite of protocols and explore how they can benefit your organisation, please contact our VP of Customer Success at james.evans@kangatech.com.